Inquiry via Sms

​With the 5664 application, the goal is to help users to access information like "claim amount, vehicle detail, parts replaced, policy, accident and injured party" without having to contact an agent.

With the SMS project initiated in cooperation with Turkcell, Turk Telekom, Vodafone, users can send an SMS message toTurkcell, Turk Telekom, Vodafone "5664" to get information such as the "claim history of their vehicle, vehicle details, parts replaced based on the expert report, injured party information, weather or not they have liability insurance policies and the latest status of their accident report if they were involved in an accident".

5664 SMS service is a fee-based service. Fees for all operators are as 180,00 TL.

Claim History Inquiries

Enter your License Plate Number, and send it to TURKCELLTURK TELEKOM, or VODAFONE 5664'. You will receive claim history for your vehicle even if your license plate number has changed.


To get information about parts replaced for accidents with Expert Report, enter PARCA space PLAKA space HASAR TARIH and send the SMS to your operator.


Other Inquiry Types:

Inquiry using "Chassis number "​


Vehicle Detail Inquiries

Enter DETAY space License Plate number, and send it to TURKCELLTURK TELEKOM, or VODAFONE 5664 and instantly receive on your cellphone, information such as make and model of the vehicle, weather or not the license plate has changed, which cities it was registered in, weather or not vehicle type has changed, last ownership duration, weather or not it has an effective comprehensive coverage, first registration date, total duration under comprehensive coverage and total ​duration without comprehensive coverage.



​Other Inquiry Types:

Inquiry using "Chassis number "


Replaced Parts Inquiry

For inquiries about replaced parts based on expert report, enter PARCA, space, license plate number, space, accident date and send the SMS to TURKCELL, TURK TELEKOM, VODAFONE 5664. And you will receive replaced parts information based on the expert report for the accident instantly on your phone.


Other Inquiry Types:

Inquiry using "Chassis nr"




Accident Report Inquiries

For inquiries about Accident Reports (KTT) which is a report prepared by those involved in an accident: Enter KTT, space, license plate number and send the SMS to TURKCELL, TURK TELEKOM, or VODAFONE 5664. And fault rates of parties involved in the accident will be on your phone instantly.



Other Inquiry Types:

Inquiry using "TR ID number ":



Inquiry using" Accident Reports Notice Nr":


Policy Information Inquiries

Using this service, you can learn weather or not your liability insurance and comprehensive coverage policy is still in effect. In addition, to learn when your policy will expire and no-claim bonus applied to your policy, enter TRAFIK or KASKO, space, license plate number and send the SMS to TURKCELL, TURK TELEKOM or VODAFONE 5664. And you will receive the policy information for your vehicle instantly on your phone.





Other inquiry types:

"Company code, agent code, policy nr, renewable nr.":


Inquiry using "Chassis number "​



Injured Party Inquiries

To learn the insurance company to which the injured party of the accident will file the claim as well as the claim file number: enter MAGDUR, space, TR ID number, and send the SMS to TURKCELLTURK TELEKOMVODAFONE 5664. And you will instantly receive on your phone, policy number and claim file numb​er that will allow you to track claim transactions easily.



Legal Disclaimer:

1. Damage information provided via the Damage History Inquiry service, is limited to information related to liability insurance and comprehensive coverage claim payments made by insurance companies since 2003. Damage information includes one-time windshield claim payments.

2. For accident report retrieval service, information provided in the Mobile Accident Report created by the parties involved in the accident is taken as basis. Accident reports created by police or military police are not provided via this service.

3. Information provided in the response message sent by SMS consists of information directly entered in our system by insurance companies. Thus, Insurance Information and Supervision (SBM) assume no legal responsibility related to the transactions to be carried out based on the response message content. ​