Insurance statistics linked to personal credit rating
started to be released
During the period of January-June 2013, Ziraat Bankasi is the market
leader in insurance policies linked to personal credit score with a market
share of 23.5%. Ziraat Bankasi is followed by Is Bankasi with a share
of 9% and Halk Bankasi with a share of 7.5%. And when the market
is analyzed in terms of products offered, the market leaders are Is
Bankasi in comprehensive insurance, Akbank in Property Insurance,
Ziraat Bankasi in Life Insurance and Yapi Kredi in Individual Accident
Insurances. For detailed information, you can follow the reports and
insurance statistics related to individual accident insurance statistics
under the Haymer BKBS directory under Business Intelligence menu.
You can now inquire your health and travel policies!
We’ve developed “General Policy Inquiry Application” for individuals
and business entities to enable instant access to policy information in
our system. Policies can now be inquired with T.C. Identity Number
and policy number or SAGMER number. Travel Health product group
policy and insured transmissions can also be inquired "ONLINE". This
application is an important resource to prevent insurance abuses which
will particularly relieve consulates. Further information is available at
Watch out! How long after the policy start date do the
accidents usually happen?
34.174 of the accidents that took place in 2013, happened during the
first week of the policy while 18.470 of them happened during the last
week of the policy. There’s a declining trend from the policy start until the
end of the policy. Reports prepared based on accident reports as well
as statistics based on age group, gender, scenario, company, province,
district and driver, are available under the KTT directory of IIC Business
Intelligence menu.